Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Introduction

This bit of perfunctory fluff is for your own edification in order to make your time reading my blog more tolerable. Yes I said tolerable, not enjoyable. I think that before I pour all of my ramblings (the opinions in which will be obscured, muddled, and without a doubt convoluted) into your head, it is only fair that I give you some sort of basic insight into the head that they are pouring out of. My name is Tyler and I was born here in Austin, my travels have brought me into relatably close quarters with various social issues that can be controversial at best and at worse times have made irrefutable changes to my life (things like domestic violence which I have no personal experience with but have close ties to people who do, and drug abuse which I, personally, have a little more to say about.) I am not an outspoken person in the public eye, I tend to keep my thoughts to myself because I'm paranoid (whilst sober, at least.) While most of the thoughts that I keep to myself are judgment oriented, I'm not a judgmental person. I may have something snide to say, but chances are that my commentary has little to do with any lasting impression that a person has made on me and more to do with personal entertainment. I forgive more than I permit, and I have a tendency towards overreaction. As a culmination to this post, I would like to apologize in advance to everyone I offend with my remarks and commentary. Now that I'm caffeinated, I bid you a fond adieu, and I look forward to any and all feedback.

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