Sunday, January 24, 2010

Creating Jobs

I've seen this expression plastered over the news for a whole decade now. Being unemployed (hitherto permanently,) I have never once thought to turn to a government office for help finding employment. My main reasoning being that everything else they touch becomes so convoluted and wrapped in red tape that I have this terrible mental image of walking into an unemployment office and drowning in bullshit. Pardon my French. The idea of excessive bureaucracy pains me in a way that I can only describe as "emotional asphyxiation." By the time I'm through with all of it, my energy is gone and I feel less motivated than I did before (My main experience with this being attending a State university and drowning in not only federal bullshit ((they tend to leave me alone because I don't make any money,)) but also in the State of California's bullshit ((which, I hadn't noticed until moving back to Texas, is a nightmare.)) What they say is true, if you can make it in California I guess you can make it anywhere... I guess unless you're looking to grow or distribute marijuana or are allergic to the cold (in which case my suggestion of moving to Boulder just won't do.) Anyway, sorry for the momentary sidetrack, but the point that I was getting at was jobs. I'm biased on this, my opinion having been enstilled in me by my father from years and years ago, but it's my opinion nevertheless. I believe it is the Government's job to help us, to protect us and to serve us, but they cannot be relied on for creating jobs. I think my logic behind this is pretty simple- Businessmen with capital create jobs because they have the resources to do so. The government does not need to have the resources necessary to provide people with jobs in order to accomplish their job, which is to serve us citizens, including the people who CAN help to create jobs- the entrepreneurs, the pioneers upon whose toils and labors this nation's legacy has risen from the dust. As you can see here: , the federal government clearly disagrees with me. If my taxes were coming out of my own pocket, I'd be pretty upset that what's passing has little to do with what I voted for. Financial regulation is great (when necessary), but why is my money (or rather, my parents money, since I have none) going to go to getting some other schmuck a job when I don't even have one? As an unemployed young American, I'm a little angsty over this.

And in case any of you are thinking that I'm complaining about unemployment without grounds, I applied to five jobs yesterday alone, and plan on keeping at it until I finally get one. I don't need help. I think that if anyone SHOULD be getting help on my level, it's ex-cons. I understand the implications of helping former criminals, but I also legitimately think that it would help to do the most good. These people need therapeutic reintegration, not a stigma that will keep them repopulating the prison system. When I was watching Obama's q&a in Ohio this weekend I was disappointed at how he floundered when an ex-convict asked what he should do about a job. I really do believe that a lot of these people are the ones that need the most help, lots of them have never been employed and come from broken homes and have no idea of the rewards of becoming a functioning, contributing member of society. I'll keep my Black Cross opinions to myself at this juncture, but I'm sure we'll get around to talking about in the future.

Ciao for now,

1 comment:

  1. Corporate Kingpin here again with a few comments. Keep looking, jobs are there to be had by those willing to work.

    I noticed today in an article the Washington Times ran, the federal government is approaching 2.1 million employee's, the largest # ever. I also noticed the other day federal and state employee's are now the largest percentage of union members. I ask why?

    Our governments beds already leak feathers from overstuffing. Who may I ask do these government employee's need protection from? Capitalist?

    (Sheeple, look here: yeah it's probably run by the "vast right wing conspiracy" but that does not change the facts.)

    Ok, I will exclude Fireman, Police, Teachers and the Military.(Oh boy, I can imagine how excited a liberal college professor would get being included with the military as a necessary public servant:) Whom I agree are all underpaid and necessary public service employee's. But a two, four or six man shovel is just government at it's worst.

    Kingpin says, "aspire to create a job in your lifetime, it's a noble goal"
