Friday, February 5, 2010

Why direct democracy (especially via electronic means) is a bad idea.

I'm going to start by addressing the electronic methods portion of this argument because I feel like it helps to justify my opinion on direct democracy in the first place (which I'm against if only because I don't believe that it should be the onus of the people to draft or enforce the law without representatives to make the process more efficient. How can you run a family and a country at once without making it your only priority?) Electronic methods only presents another way for the people to be taken advantage of by the moderators. It's as simple as that, the more control you put into the hands of a few (i.e. the parties running these websites AND the corporations funding them, remember these are people just like you and me) the more their voices will drown out those of the "common people" that they are trying to reach in the first place (that was the point right? To get more people to vote?) Okay, so that's just my inner paranoid conspiracy theorist coming out to play, but what about the more real threats to private information security that abound. Hackers? Pirates? Viruses? (It doesn't take a genius to cause you a malignant system error, either, laptop programs in high schools across the country have been dropped. If we can't trust students to learn in conjunction with technology, what would you expect an adult with criminal intent to be able to do? Here's an article on what I'm talking about:  ) We have all been victims of these at some point, no matter how harmless, but to subject my democracy to the same insecurity that I subject my home computer to? No thanks, I've seen what happens to my computer after a while, I'd hate to see the same thing happen to my country. I'm all for information being available, in all forms, however my deductions from information should run the government. I'm not comfortable with a government attempting to run itself based on its deductions about me (more opportunities for my opinions to be manipulated), it seems a little more than a little backwards. I will never favor direct democracy because I believe that voting is a privilege that should be reserved for the informed. While I believe that it is every American's responsibility to be informed of current affairs, I hardly trust my fellow American to have held up their end of the bargain (I know, I'm a cynic), and while I also don't think that our representative government is necessarily the most effective legislating body in the world, I do like it the best. I think that we are lucky to have a government that has even thought to consider minority representation in addition to majority rule. I think that without the electoral college, elections would probably somehow manage to foul up even more than they do now. In short, I don't think that electronic direct democracy is the answer to anything. I think that an informed and opinionated public is what America is in want of.

1 comment:

  1. Facebook Government? Gotta agree, that's scary man!
