Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I don't understand what you think is so damn funny Mr. Obama

You don't think that the number one cash crop in one of the world's biggest economies would save the national economy? With all due respect Mr. President, you must be rather spacy yourself. For a "progressive" president you sure don't appear to be listening to your contingents. The "internet" audience, who the hell do you think you are dismissing us as "the internet audience?" WE ELECTED YOU INTO OFFICE MAN. Act like our president and listen instead of acting like a D.C. socialite whose only concern is making everyone else who's prim and proper in the room chuckle. Make something happen before you go and blame others for the state of the economy. So what if Bush got us here if you can't get us out. You don't have my support and you never did. I hope you change sir. Just because you spent your youth abusing drugs doesn't mean that a little reefer is going to be everyone else's gateway into everything BUT heroin (http://www.addictionsearch.com/treatment_articles/article/obama-and-drug-addiction-and-use-his-own-and-his-perspective-as-presidential-hopeful_66.html).

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