Monday, March 29, 2010

This is what happens when I try to wax republican... if only for a bit.

With President Obama being a little more cavalier towards the G.O.P. than I’m comfortable with and the RNC having a little too much fun with donations (Denial offered by none other than the high flyer himself, Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele. I’m not personally into the whole bondage theme, but I guess if you’re spending your donations in a questionable way you might as well make it super villain-esque with black leather and whips and chains and what have you) I am just not sure where to turn anymore. Were I to be forced to make due in this bipartisan system, and made to choose from the players available, I think I would have to back the Democratic Freedom Caucus, whose geolibertarian principles of personal and economic liberty, as well as limited government and social responsibility I feel I can actually agree with. Given this is the case and I find myself living (and thoroughly enjoying myself) in a red state, I might have to find a political “next best thing” if I wish to make myself heard. So, given the buzz-words of the evening (those values aforementioned), I find myself studying up on my local tea party candidate (what can I say? Limited government is a huge turn on for me.) Although today after watching footage from the most recent tea party rally in Searchlight, NV, I really must give it my strongest consideration. On the one hand, I do believe it rude to attempt to interrupt someone with a speech to give, those guys getting their butts whooped by big redneck-looking Palin supporters did say they were libertarian, though. Well, snap. I just don’t know what to believe anymore. The tea party patriots website told me that they were a “conservative non partisan group who believed in limited government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility.” If I may express my confusion… What are Sarah Palin AND John McCain doing rallying with supposedly non-partisan patriots if they’re republicans? More importantly why is a “grassroots non-partisan” organization being rallied by Sarah Palin?

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